Tableau Fundamentals course: Unleash the potential of data!

Start your professional transformation with the Tableau Fundamentals course! Learn key skills in data analytics: from creating effective dashboards and visualizations to applying strategies for deeper data insights. Through our hands-on exercises and detailed step-by-step instructions, you’ll learn how to use Tableau to work with data effectively. This 2-4 month intensive course will allow you to significantly improve your analytical skills.

Who will benefit from the course?

Data analysts

The course will help you quickly create interactive dashboards and simplify the process of data analysis.

Business analysts

After the course, they will be able to create professional reports and presentations and use Tableau for business analytics.

Marketing specialists

Learn how to use Tableau to analyze marketing campaigns, visualize results and trends.

Project managers

They will be able to create dashboards to track key project indicators and analyze data for decision-making.

HR specialists

They will be able to create interactive dashboards about the staff and use the data to make informed decisions.

Students and beginners

They will acquire basic knowledge and skills of working with Tableau, learn how to visualize data and perform analysis.

What you get:

Prospects after graduation:

The average salary of a data analyst in Ukraine is UAH 30,000, according to the median of 615 vacancies with the title “Data Analyst” on and

- vacancies
0 +
- per month
0 UAH.
- per week
0 UAH.
- per hour
0 UAH.

Course program:

Introduction to Tableau Desktop
  • Introduction to Tableau
  • Application of dashboards in companies
  • Tableau architecture
  • Types of licenses in Tableau
  • Tableau tool interface
  • Setting up Measures and Dimensions
  • Creating dashboards and stories
  • Connecting to a data source
  • Setting up a data source
  • Create, edit, and update an extract
  • Replacing data sources
  • Create data groups
  • Create hierarchies (drill down)
  • Dimension filters
  • Measure filters
  • Date filters
  • Sorting data
  • Create and work with data sets
  • Working with dates
  • Create custom dates and hierarchies
  • The main types of charts
  • Compare multiple indicators in views
  • Building basic charts
  • Scatter Plots
  • Text Tables
  • Highlight Tables
  • Pie Chart
  • Types of maps, hierarchy of “layers”, working with maps
  • Creating Calculated fields
  • Basics Calculated fields
  • Type conversion functions
  • Work with date functions
  • Working with aggregate functions
  • Use quick calculations in a spreadsheet to analyze data
  • Parameters in Tableau
  • Use parameters to change values
  • Create relationships between tables
  • Join of type Join
  • Association of the Union type
  • Blending of the Blending type
  • Choosing a method for data merging in different situations
  • Introduction to Tableau Prep Builder
  • Step-by-step execution of the workflow
  • Connect and configure data
  • Building a dashboard
  • Creating interactive dashboards
  • Finalizing the dashboard
  • Navigation between dashboards
  • Creating stories
  • Attributes that attract attention and coding
  • Five principles of grouping
  • Consideration of the visual area of marks
  • Display and customize axes
  • Consideration of color expectations
  • How many details is too many?

Course mentors:

Meet experts who share their experience and knowledge

Semenov Igor

Senior Analyst

Ksenia Zlobova

Middle Analyst

Brovko Yelyzaveta

Middle Analyst

Kurmanova Anastasia

Middle Analyst

Problems solved by the course:

Lack of data visualization skills

The course will teach you how to create attractive and understandable dashboards that will help you better understand data.

Difficulty in preparing data for analysis

After the course, students will be able to effectively prepare data for analysis using Tableau functionality.

The need to create interactive reports

Students will learn how to create interactive dashboards and reports that can be easily adapted to business.

The need to quickly analyze large amounts of data

Using Tableau will allow you to quickly process and analyze large amounts of data, gaining real-time insights.

Lack of tools to make informed decisions.

The course will teach you how to use data to make informed business decisions, increasing management efficiency.

Difficulties in communicating the results of the analysis

The ability to create clear reports will help you effectively communicate the results of your analysis to your team and management.

Investments in education:

Choose the best plan for your development and take advantage of a unique opportunity to get a course with a 50% discount.

Basic package

Self-study without a mentor

6000 UAH.

3000 UAH.

/ per course

* the price applies to the first 50 purchases of the course until June 1, 2025

Extended package

Training with individual mentoring

10000 UAH.

5000 UAH.

/ per course

* the price is indicated in the terms and conditions

* Mentor training will be available later, but you can already book your place at a discount!

Instructions for using the course:

Everything you need to know for a successful start: from registration to navigation

Career prospects of graduates:

Book your place now

Leave your details and we will reserve a place for you on the Tableau Fundamentals course at a discount

    If you encounter any questions or problems regarding registration, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at +38 (044) 383-44-10 or email us at


    Malevich street., 86-L, Kyiv



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