Tableau Server

With Tableau Server, you can analyze data yourself safely and efficiently to make informed decisions and share insights.

Data for people

Increase the value of your data across your organization with Tableau Server. Allow your business to freely explore data in a secure environment, without the constraints of predefined questions or dashboard types. You can be sure that your data and analytics are secure, controlled, and accurate. IT organizations value Tableau for its ease of implementation, tight integration, ease of scaling, and reliability. Now you can provide business access to data and protection at the same time with Tableau.

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Get Tableau Prep Builder with Tableau Desktop as part of Tableau Creator.

Interested in preparing data for a large scale? Read all about Tableau Server.

Tableau Server features

Deploy with unmatched flexibility

Deep integration with your enterprise architecture to maximize the return on your technology investment. Choose from on-premises or public clouds and configure servers, manage software updates, or scale hardware resources to meet your needs. Connect to any data and accelerate teamwork by discovering, sharing, collaborating, and exploring data from your mobile device, tablet, or computer. Create and scale mission-critical analytics while maintaining control with Tableau Advanced Management, offering increased scalability, efficiency, and security. Track usage across a single environment to help you meet regulatory requirements more effectively.

Send reliable data

Centralized management, visibility, and control ensure that your data is in good hands with easy automated authentication and permission management. Integration with a single sign-on (SSO) or identity provider. Organize, publish, and share data sources as live connections or encrypted excerpts so that everyone can use them. Tableau Data Management, built into the platform, scales reliable data in a simple, repeatable way using Tableau Catalog, Tableau Prep Conductor, and virtual connections.

Integrate statistical data

Move from idea to action right in your workflow. Tableau for Slack is your digital analytics headquarters: leverage data in every conversation and get data-driven insights from anywhere. Embedded analytics allows you to easily embed data and analytics into your products and applications to empower your users and customers by providing them with data-driven insights. Get access to suggestions for getting your analysis up and running quickly with accelerators, connectors, extensions, and more.

Making smart decisions

Build confidence in your decision-making and harness the power of your data with industry-leading artificial intelligence. Save time and make analytics easy for everyone by adding Data Stories to your dashboards - automated plain-language stories. Explore and answer important business questions in natural language with Ask Data. With Explain Data, discover the "why" behind AI-powered insights that inspire deeper research. Create a data plan with Tableau Blueprint to become a data-driven organization.

Use your technology stack

Tableau is a solution that allows you to choose the way you analyze data that best suits your company. It is very versatile and fits perfectly into your organization’s IT investments. You have two options: use Windows Server or Linux. Tableau integrates seamlessly with your environment, processes, and workflows, allowing you to leverage the platform’s analytical capabilities.

Try Tableau for free

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Choose the best option
analytics for yourself

"Our task is to give businesses the freedom to manage themselves independently, while at the same time ensuring order and maintaining it behind the scenes."

- STEVEN JOHN, Chief Information Officer at AmeriPride

Tableau for Slack

Get useful insights as you work with Tableau for Slack. You’ll receive notifications right in your Slack work chat, such as when your data reaches important values, when new comments are posted, or when you’re given access to resources. This way, you’ll always be up to date, no matter where you are.

Підвищуйте свої знання з Tableau за допомогою наших навчальних відео.

Training videos

Watch free Tableau training videos to help you improve your knowledge.

Використовуйте гнучкі навчальні ресурси Tableau для покращення ваших навичок аналізу даних.

Explore the way you want to explore

Get access to resources that match your learning style.

Розвивайте свої навички аналізу даних разом із спільнотою Tableau DataFam.

Join DataFam

Join our Tableau community to boost your data skills.

Cost of packages:

Choose the best analytics option for you

Навчайтеся від майстрів аналізу з персонажем Tableau, що нагадує Ейнштейна.

Tableau Creator

Connect your data, create visualizations, and publish dashboards in Tableau Desktop.

900 $


INCLUDES: Tableau Desktop / Tableau Prep / Tableau Server / Online license

Tableau Explorer

Edit existing dashboards quickly and easily. Available for teams and large organizations.

504 $


From 5 licenses.
Includes: a Tableau Server license

Tableau Viewer

Get access to existing dashboards. Available for teams and organizations.

180 $


From 100 licenses.
Includes: a Tableau Server license


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