Tableau Prep Builder

Combine, shape, and filter your data faster with Tableau Prep Builder, which provides efficient data management.

Tableau Prep Builder - ваш інструмент для швидкого та ефективного очищення та об'єднання даних.

Prepare data yourself
with Tableau Prep Builder

Tableau Prep Builder offers a modern approach to data preparation, making the process of combining, shaping, and filtering data for analysis in Tableau easier and faster. With a visual and straightforward way to prepare your data, you can get quality data in just a few clicks.

DataRockstar Sticker


Get Tableau Prep Builder with Tableau Desktop as part of Tableau Creator.

Interested in preparing large-scale data? Check out the Tableau Prep Conductor guide.

Tableau Prep Builder features

A complete picture of your data

Three consistent views allow you to see the data at the row level, the profiles of each column, and the entire data preparation process. Choose which view to interact with depending on the task at hand.

Connect to more data

Connect to data on-premises or in the cloud, whether it's a database or a spreadsheet. Connect, merge, and cleanse disparate data without writing code. Tableau Prep Builder intelligently moves operations to the database whenever possible, leveraging existing database investments to execute flows quickly.

Open the door
for cooperation

Stay in the flow of your analysis. Easily showcase your results in Tableau Desktop or share them with others via Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. Easy sharing reduces complexity and helps link data preparation and analytics for better business results.

View immediate

If you want to change a value, select it and edit it immediately. Change the connection type and see the result immediately. With every action, you instantly see the changes to your data, even if it's millions of rows of data. Tableau Prep Builder gives you the freedom to rearrange the steps and experiment without consequences.

Try Tableau for free

Download the trial version and start your free trial today.

Get Tableau today

Choose the best option
analytics for yourself

"Before using Tableau Prep Builder, our team spent hours making sure our sources were clean and organized just to ensure our analysis was accurate and efficient. We were able to save hours of work with Tableau Prep."

- Hessica Briggs-Sullivan, 
Tableau administrator

Scaling with Tableau Data Management

Ready to discuss expanding your Tableau implementation? Tableau Data Management opens up enterprise features that give you even more options and control over data preparation. Tableau offers several subscription plans to meet your needs and make it easy to purchase and implement these features.

Підвищуйте свої знання з Tableau за допомогою наших навчальних відео.

Training videos

Watch free Tableau training videos to help you improve your knowledge.

Використовуйте гнучкі навчальні ресурси Tableau для покращення ваших навичок аналізу даних.

Explore the way you want to explore

Get access to resources that match your learning style.

Розвивайте свої навички аналізу даних разом із спільнотою Tableau DataFam.

Join DataFam

Join our Tableau community to boost your data skills.

Cost of packages:

Choose the best analytics option for you

Навчайтеся від майстрів аналізу з персонажем Tableau, що нагадує Ейнштейна.

Tableau Creator

Connect your data, create visualizations, and publish dashboards in Tableau Desktop.

900 $


INCLUDES: Tableau Desktop / Tableau Prep / Tableau Server / Online license

Tableau Explorer

Edit existing dashboards quickly and easily. Available for teams and large organizations.

504 $


From 5 licenses.
INCLUDES: Tableau Server license

Tableau Viewer

Get access to existing dashboards. Available for teams and organizations.

180 $


From 100 licenses.
Includes: a Tableau Server license


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    Free trial version of Tableau Prep

    Try Tableau Prep for free and turn data into insights with ease. Please fill out the form below and we will send a link to access the trial version to your email address.